
I am a 22-year-old English and Communication Studies graduate with many passions. Most of the time it’s quite hard for people to keep up with me and sometimes it’s also quite difficult to keep up with myself. Fashion and beauty has always been a major interest of mine, I have had a previous blog before this one but I felt like I wanted to start over a new leaf and start afresh, while also exploring new things.

I am at a different stage in my life, now an online strategist in a leading branding and marketing company, therefore I needed a new setting and a clean slate. I have now left my teen years behind me officially and now I’m delving into my twenties and adulthood – whether I would like to or not that is – which isn’t something that I am so keen on. In this blog most of the time I think I will be writing about anything, it is basically going to be a blank canvas and my thoughts are going to spurt out however they may. I hope that you will enjoy it. I try to put a lot of myself into my writing as much as possible – no hidden layers whatsoever.

Michelle X

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